
Monday, February 28, 2011

An open letter to Charlie Sheen

Mr. Sheen,

Get off your pedestal already. You already earn $1.8 million an episode, do you really need that raise you're demanding of $3 million? No, you dont.

It's true that your show may be the most successful show on television right now, but that is not through anything you've done. Your acting is at par at best, it is because of the writers and creators that you even have a show. Treat them with respect.

Keep your $1.8 million. While it is a ridiculous amount considering the cast of Friends did not receive even $1 million each until the very last season, which was a hell of a lot better of a show then 2 1/2 Men will ever be, if that's what you're currently getting then that is what you should be paid. Don't be an idiot, once your show ends you're not going to get much more work.

Grow up you tool.



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